Calocurb blogs

Signs of a Healthy Digestive System

Signs of a Healthy Digestive System

With digestive health problems on the rise, doctors and healthcare experts worldwide keep emphasizing that you should take special care to maintain your digestive health. Your digestive system breaks down food into substances that your body can use for energy, growth and tissue repair. Thus, it promotes the healthy functioning of other organ systems. A healthy digestive system strengthens your immunity and guards you against bacteria and viruses. It also contributes to a good mood, sound sleep, healthy organs and prevents diseases. A healthy gut boosts your mental and emotional health, making you feel balanced. Do you think your gut is healthy?...

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food for digestion

15 Best Foods That Help with Digestion

Do you have an upset stomach? Conditions like bloating, constipation, vomiting, etc. Make sure you include some of these foods that help digestion in your next meal.

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What Is the Connection Between Sleep, Pain and Mental Health?

What Is the Connection Between Sleep, Pain and Mental Health?

Insufficient sleep makes it harder for brain to process emotional information, influencing mood and emotional reactivity and pushing people towards mental health disorders. Read How are sleep and mental health connected

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Speed Up Digestion Naturally

10 Best Ways to Speed Up Your Digestion Naturally

Do you experience bloating, constipation and heartburn often? These are signs of poor digestive system. Start incorporating these tips into your daily life, one day at a time to speed up digestion naturally

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