What’s Your Hunger Type?
Ever wonder why some people stop at one cookie while you want the whole pack? Research shows our eating habits and metabolism fall into four hunger types: Hungry Brain (trouble...

Best Digestive Health Tips 2022
Occasionally, everyone has gastrointestinal issues such as bloating, gas, heartburn, nausea, constipation or diarrhea. These symptoms can cause severe disruptions in your Life if they happen regularly. The meals you...

Signs of a Healthy Digestive System
With digestive health problems on the rise, doctors and healthcare experts worldwide keep emphasizing that you should take special care to maintain your digestive health. Your digestive system breaks down...

15 Best Foods That Help with Digestion
Do you have an upset stomach? Conditions like bloating, constipation, vomiting, etc. Make sure you include some of these foods that help digestion in your next meal.

10 Best Ways to Speed Up Your Digestion Naturally
Do you experience bloating, constipation and heartburn often? These are signs of poor digestive system. Start incorporating these tips into your daily life, one day at a time to speed...

6 Healthy Foods That Can Help With Digestion
Is indigestion a way of life for you? It won't be any longer! Click here to learn about the six foods good for digestion, and bid adieu to antacids and...

The Gut-Brain Connection: How It Works
Have you ever wondered why you can always trust your gut? It’s likely because your brain and gut are constantly communicating with each other.

A Quick Guide to Intuitive Eating
Intuitive eating fights the idea that you need to follow a diet. It helps you relearn how to trust your body and develop a healthy attitude towards food and your...